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A Can of Worms

This, at The Panda’s Thumb.

There are a lot of considerations that go into a custody decision. I’d be surprised if this were the only reason. The story itself caught my eye because, surprise! I found myself in the same situation not that long ago, the difference being that since I had agreed to the […]


Science vs. Crap

P.Z. Meyers over at Pharyngula has a wonderful example of how the wacky creationists, in their desperate effort to oppose real science, endorse the most bizarre (and dangerous) ideas.

But wait, this isn’t the funny part. That was the boring typical part. Here’s where I started laughing.

I would not offend the bought and sold […]


Happy Birthday, Chuck!

Today is Darwin Day! Let’s all raise a pint (or your beverage of choice) in honor of the man who helped make modern biology what it is today. In fact, raise two, because this one is special: The 200th anniversary of his birth, and the 150th anniversary of the publishing of The Origin of Species. […]


They’re baaaack…

Well, it looks like they’re at it again. Our friends in the Holy Roman Catholic Church have resumed the practice of granting plenary indulgences. What’s an indulgence, you ask? The Catholic Encyclopedia describes a plenary indulgence as

the remission of the entire temporal punishment due to sin so that no further expiation is required in […]



So, this blog is ostensibly about the horrors of fundamentalist xianity, and my intense lack thereof. But I’ve been debating whether I should include other topics, so as not to dilute the wackiness those theists give us. So, when I saw Dan Savage’s latest column, I was thrilled that I wouldn’t have to make that […]
